Arts-Practice: Methodology and Process
The methodological foundation of my arts practice is rooted in hermeneutics, the Sufi concepts of zahir (exoteric) and batin (esoteric), the understanding of the body in Islamic tradition, and phenomenology. To explore my methodology, I apply conceptual-art, installation-art and critical design methods to a process-based artistic inquiry that experiments with light, scale, materiality, and form. I rigorously document my work using time-based media (photography and video) and reflective note-taking in a process-based approach. These documents are important in the development of my ideas, and often become part of the work itself.
Using the body as a link between the hidden and the manifest, my work posits that it is through the body that the being encounters both the external and internal worlds of their own self. I use intuition and the primacy of my body as exoteric knowledge to delve deep into the esoteric dimension of my own being. The body is fundamentally integrated into my work where it is both the material and site of my experiments and ultimately, becomes the vehicle through which the art is experienced.

A Note On Process
“The process of art-making in which
the artist does not know the outcome.
A process with shifts and changes,
one of simultaneously seeing and finding a new way.
This insight is not so much knowing
as sensing another knowledge that runs deeply,
though obscurely, within the human psyche,
and bringing it into consciousness.
It leads us to what we already know
but did not know we knew.